防萬能開鎖器管狀鎖 (8500-p)
20 Years of UK PatentDefeating Tubular Lock Picks with Protruding Blocks Description: 7-pin Anti-

20 Years of UK Patent
Defeating Tubular Lock Picks with Protruding Blocks
website: www.aaaaalock.comDescription:
7-pin Anti-pick Camlock
Lock is to be 90 degree right turn and left turn
Key is removable at 12 o'clock position only
Available with cam affixed by an end screw and nut
Material of Brass or Zinc alloy
9,999,999Available Key Combination

我司為一專業製造糊盒機,裱紙機,現推出優惠價格,歡迎各界來電詢問,規格尺寸從GM-450 ~ GM1600 四六角盒,採PLC及伺服系統運作,獨特紙盒矯正裝置,效果良好,專作瓦楞矯正系統,採比例連動加